
Monday, December 17, 2018

Summer learning journey day one week one activity one

hi guys welcome  back to my blog, today the summer learning journey is starting and lots of people are competing.  Today we are finding out about the top 3 facts of New Zealand.

Fact #1

Queen Elizabeth II is officially Queen of New Zealand, represented in the country by a Governor General.

Fact # 2

To become a New Zealand citizen, you must swear an oath of loyalty to Queen Elizabeth.

Fact # 3

New Zealanders love cars with 2.5 million cars for 4 million people making them one of the countries to have the highest car ownership rate in the world.

Those are my 3 facts for activity one.
Blog ya later

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Tri star Gymnastics

Hello friends, Welcome back to my blog. For the past two weeks we have been going to Tri Star at Kieth Hay park. The two days we went to gymnastics were Monday the 10th of December and Wednesday the 5th of December. We did lots of cool activities, here are some photos.

Gymnastics was really fun but sadly on the Monday session I couldn't come because I was sick😢. But the Wednesday session was still really fun. and I would suggest you going there if you want to learn Gymnastics. see ya later bloggers😎. 

Monday, December 3, 2018

Summer learning journey

 Hello blogging friends, welcome back to my blog.
This summer we are doing the summer learning journey. For activity one we have to choose a country
 I chose Germany. I chose Germany because it is next to the Netherlands and that is where my mum grew up and Germany has the best are some facts about Germany

  1. 65% of the highways in Germany (Autobahn) have no speed limit.
  2. University is free for everyone
  3. there are over different kinds of 1,500 beers in Germany
  4. Berlin has the largest train station in Europe
  5. Germany shares borders with nine other countries. Denmark, Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
  6. Germany is the EU’s largest economy. With a gross domestic product (GDP) of 3.73 trillion USD,  and lies fourth place in the world behind the US, China and Japan.
    • The first printed book was in German.
    just in case you would like to visit the website here is a link
    Those are all the facts for now. Blog ya later!

    Thursday, November 1, 2018

    Ako hiko Film festival


    Hello bloggers, welcome back to my blog.
    Las term it was the Ako Hiko film festival so I teamed up with my friends and made a movie. We also used story boarding to plan our movie, this means to draw out pictures and write what the people are going to say so you know what your'e going to do for the movie. For this we learnt about different shots and when to use them. Here are some different angles

    wide shot

    close up shot

    Up shot

    down shot

     In our movie I was a teacher and I couldn't find my white board marker so someone steps up and fixes the problem. Find out what happens next in the movie. 

    This was really fun making the movie and I hope you enjoyed the movie.
    I hope you liked this and I can't wait to see your movie.

    Friday, October 19, 2018


    Hi guys, welcome back to my blog. Today I'm blogging about our school production called Pasifika Peter Pan. I am lucky enough to be part of the family in the production. We are also lucky to have our awesome teachers and deputy principal helping us with not just our voices and acting skills but, backdrops, costumes and microphones. We have also been practising for 1 hour almost every week day for 11 weeks, not including school holidays.

    The difference about this production to other ones is instead of just Peter Pan we have added a lot of different things in so it's not all English and we visit many Pasifika countries because at Waikowhai Primary School we like to celebrate different cultures. Back to the subject I will update you guys after the production.

    Blog ya later!   

    Wednesday, September 26, 2018

    Waikowhai intermediate show

    Hi! bloggers welcome back to my blog yesterday we went on a bus to Waikowhai Intermediate which was lucky we went in a bus because we were going to walk but the principal of the intermediate organised bus's for us because he didn't want us to get wet so he organised buses for us which was really nice. Anyway so we went to the Intermediate then we went into the hall were their production was. After the show we went back to school we discussed how the show was then we used thinking hats to describe it here is my work


    The production was really fun and creative and I would definitely be in it next year when I go to Waikowhai Intermediate. the thinking hats were also really easy because there were things to work on and loads of information creative stuff and good things. Here is a link to Waikowhai Intermediate website.
    Blog you later.

    Tuesday, September 18, 2018

    Maori feelings

    Hello bloggers, welcome back to my learning blog. For the past week we have been making presentations about Maori feelings. We also learnt how to reply when someone asks you "kei te pehea koe" which means "how are you feeling?"
    Here is a slide show made by me and my classmate Alan.

    This was really fun because our one was an animation and I love animating.
    The feelings that I now know by heart are Wera, Koa, pai, hiakai, hiamoe, makariri and wangawanga
    Please feel free to leave a comment. Bye. 

    Thursday, September 6, 2018

    Maths ratios

    Hello bloggers welcome back to my blog.
    A few days ago for maths Our teacher gave us a slide show to work on. It was about ratios but she knew normal ratios wouldn't be fun so she made it fun by making it harry potter ratios! As we finished the questions they got harder and harder.
    They also progressed from bronze which was the easiest then to silver which was harder then to gold which was the hardest one. Here is my work.

    This was really fun because it was harry potter themed and I love harry potter.
    this really helped me because it was one of my maths goals and I could use it for my goal evidence.

    Wednesday, August 29, 2018

    Interland cyber smart game

    Hi guys welcome back to my blog.
    Today I made a DLO about Interland and all the different games on it.
    I also added in information about the game and the link to the game if you want to play it.Here is my work.

    This was fun but also really hard because I had to play every game so I could take screen shots and know how to explain it.

    Wednesday, August 22, 2018

    Technology rotation

    Technology rotation

    What's up bloggers, welcome back to my blog. for the past three weeks we have been doing a technology rotation. For the first week my class made Geo boards.
    The next week we had to make a structure that hanged off a table, it had to be able to hold up a marble. For the third week we made circuits, we had to try make a led light turn on. 7Here are some photos

    This was really fun, but challenging 
    With the Geo boards I learnt that you have to hammer the nails in properly or else when you put rubber bands in the nails will flick out and they might hit you.
    With the bridges learnt you have to have counter weights or else the bridge will keep collapsing. With the circuits I learnt that every bit has to touch the other piece or else the electrons can't get through.Bye

    Improving our comments

    Ola, bloggers. Welcome back to my blog. I hope you're having a good day because I am. Anyway, today for cybersmart we had to comment on a year 6's  blog in our school. Then we went onto a google drawing, where we had to re write our comment and try to make it better. Here is my work.

    This was quite easy because once I read the red, yellow and green I knew what to add and what to take away.I added one more sentence about what it reminded me of and I also added a link to my blog and I replaced the hi for hello. goodbye.

    Stop motion animation

    Ola bloggers. Welcome back to my blog. today we were making stop motion animations. We made mini movies with the stop motion and play dough.
    Here is my video.

    stop motion is when you capture an image and then you move an object a bit and then you keep capturing photos and every time you capture. You move the you want.
    This was really fun but also hard because the play dough would either fall apart or you would forget to move your hand so then in some of the photos would have your hand in it. Next time I would try to remember to get my hand out of the way.Bye😃😀😎

    Wednesday, June 27, 2018

    Emoji word art

    Emoji word art

    Whats up guys welcome back to my blog I hope your having good day because I am.
    Yesterday We had to write lots of emotions In order of A-Z.Then we went on a website and made word art Here is my work

     I found this really fun because there was lots of shapes to choose from like nature, emojis, Clouds and loads of other stuff.Some of the letters were really hard to think of an emoji for so I didn't get to
    Here are some other emojis.

     (Thanks to Toby and Bruno)
    I hope you liked the emojis about emotions.

    Friday, June 22, 2018

    Tiritiri Matangi trip

    Hi guys welcome back to my blog. I hope you are having a wonderful day because I am. 2 weeks ago Te Waka Ako went to Tiritiri Matangi for inquiry.  We had to get to school before 7:30 in the morning so we could get on the bus for our ferry to the island on time. While we where on the boat the captain was telling us about all the islands and lighthouses that we passed. My favourite bird was the North Island robin which is really small and cute bird. Here are some photos


    the lighthouse

    on the ferry

    on the ferry


    North Island robin



    North Island robin



    the Light House
    The biggest bird I saw was the Kereru (NZ wood pigeon).
    The island was really cool but you had to be really quiet so you don't scare away the birds. Bye!!.😃😀

    Thursday, June 7, 2018

    Flood proof house

    Hey guys, welcome back to my learning blog. I hope you're having an awesome day because I am.
    For the past week I've been reading a book about flood proof houses and when I finished I had to make a house that could with stand a flash flood so I used tinkercad to make it. I think it was a good thing because if I didn't read the book I would probably not have the flood proof walls. Here is my work
    In my opinion this activity was hard because at first I didn't know what I was going to do so then I had to do a lot more research to find a good idea but then I couldn't find any easy buildings to build so I made this one.
    If I ever did this one again I would probably make one that can float so it can go over big waves. Bye

    Wednesday, May 2, 2018


    For the past 2 days we have been reading books and learning lots of stuff about Anzac day. We read 3 books they where called the Anzac violin, the Anzac donkey and the last one called Le Qesnoy .from the book Le Quesnoy I learnt that for most of the war Le Quesnoy was in control by Germans until the new Zealand soldiers came from the other side of the world to save the french.From the book the Anzac violin I learnt about a person who won a violin on the infantry ship and started playing the violin.Soon he became really popular and everyone liked him playing the violin.Later on in the book he got shot and had to leave the  battle to go back home.

    here is a piece of work that we did about Le Quesnoy.

    I hope you liked this post if you've read any other Anzac books please comment and tell me what they are. BLOG YOU LATER.